Friday, February 19, 2010

Anne Hathaway Is Perfect In Purple For InStyle March 2010

Anne Hathaway is just absolutely lovely and radiant on the cover of March 2010’s InStyle.

On her self-image:

“I think I’ve got really weird features. I have very large features on a very small head. But, you know, I’m not going to beat myself up. It’s my face. I’m not very pretty. But that’s OK because I do know that I look like myself, and I think at the end of the day, as nice as pretty is, authenticity is more important.”

On staying fit:

“If I don’t work out at all, I have too much curve and no tone—which is not OK. It’s about finding balance.”

On dressing up - or down:

“In the evening it would never occur to me to go out in motorcycle boots like [the pair she wore to the interview]. I love going out in high heels and dressing up and glamming it up, and having there be a distinction between what happened throughout the day and the evening.”

The issue hits newsstands this Friday.


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